Mental Health Awareness and Educational Forums
Mental Health Awareness and
Education Forums
Cape Verdean Women United collaborates with community partners to offer Mental Health Awareness and Educational Forums. With this initiative, our goal is to reduce stigma and bring resources and information, in various languages to those in need. With access to culturally appropriate information and resources, people are more likely to engage in services.
Youth Mental Health First Aid
CVWU staff have been trained and are certified to provide the Youth Mental Health First Aid program. Youth Mental Health First Aid is designed to teach parents, family members, caregivers, teachers, school staff, peers, neighbors, health and human services workers, and other caring citizens how to help an adolescent (age 12-18) who is experiencing a mental health or addictions challenge or is in crisis. Youth Mental Health First Aid is primarily designed for adults who regularly interact with young people. The course introduces common mental health challenges for youth, reviews typical adolescent development, and teaches a 5-step action plan for how to help young people in both crisis and non-crisis situations. Topics covered include anxiety, depression, substance use, disorders in which psychosis may occur, disruptive behavior disorders (including AD/HD), and eating disorders
Mental Health Workshops
CVWU staff and volunteers often partner with mental health providers to offer community based mental health awaress and education workshops. Over the years CVWU has collaborated to offer workshops in various languages in chuches, colleges, high schools, adult learning centers and many more locations. If you or your organization is interested in hosting a workshop, please reach out to us.