Inclusion Family Counseling Center (IFCC)
A long-time partner of CVWU collaborating on mental health workshops as well as a referral partner. IFCC was founded by a team of professionals in the Mental Health Field with vast experience in serving in Community Mental Health Services. The team is united by a common vision with a strategic plan to serve the poor, the vulnerable, and the diverse members of the community of Brockton and surrounding towns. The team members are themselves representatives of the families they serve. They are therefore equipped with language, cultural understanding, and humility to develop the necessary therapeutic alliance in supporting a healthier community within the African-American, Capeverdean, Portuguese, Haitian, Spanish, and other diverse members of this community. About 80% of the staff speak another language in addition to English including Capeverdean, Spanish, Portuguese, Haitian, Brazilian, and Nigerian. Learn more about IFCC at